The Black Panther and Young Lords Parties’ Health Programs

April 7, 2021
5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. PDT
Zoom (Virtual)

Join Cleo Silvers, past member of the Black Panther and Young Lords Parties, and Carlos Martinez, MPH and PhD candidate in the joint UC Berkeley/UC San Francisco program in Medical Anthropology, for a discussion of the Black Panther and Young Lords Parties’ approaches to achieving health justice for their members and broader Black and Puerto Rican communities.

The Black Panther Party and the Young Lords Party, which both formed amidst the turmoil of the post–civil rights and Vietnam War era, articulated radical critiques of racism, police brutality, capitalism, and US imperialism. This teach-in will include discussion of the Black Panthers’ original Ten-Point Program and the Young Lords’ subsequent health activism and their 1970 takeover of Lincoln Hospital in the South Bronx. The discussion will include an examination of these groups’ relationships to mainstream healthcare institutions and takeaways that future healthcare providers can apply to their own health justice advocacy, scholarship, and clinical care.

Register here on Eventbrite.