
For each year's strategic theme, The REPAIR project will produce a curated page of resources. For this year's REPAIR theme, this resource page aims to facilitate and promote collaborative research related to medical reparations. This page aims to support communication and learning about topics that directly inform the work UCSF is doing on medical reparations.  Materials and information are added periodically in order to build up an extensive digital resource. While a collaborative affair, the repository is curated by the initiative’s working group. 

The resources curated by The REPAIR Project are organized by event to allow for easy reference and to map materials directly to related topics. While no reference is required by event attendees, listings that as KEY are highly suggested. For each event, there are also additional resources included. Users of this repository are encouraged to submit references to be included by filling out this (LINK) form. After the event, the resource page will also include a video archive of the event for those who could not attend. 

We have also curated an ongoing resource repository for a more extensive collection of resources and syllabi related to the intersection of race and medicine. We hope that these resources will be useful to those who wish to read or teach on these topics. The resources included are divided into sections for: (1) syllabi and reading lists; (2) toolkits and teaching resources; and (3) lectures and conversations.