This ongoing resource repository seeks to curate and collate existing resources and is divided into three sections: (1) syllabi and reading lists; (2) toolkits and teaching resources; and (3) lectures and conversations.
Existing resources collections:
UCSF Library's Anti-Racism Resources at UCSF includes a resource hubs for Introduction to Anti-Racism, Racism in Medicine and Health, Whiteness and White Privilege, Historic Roots of Anti-Blackness, and Anti-Racism in Education.
Yale Library’s Collection on Race and Racism in Health Care: resources including ebooks, print books, articles, podcasts, video lectures, syllabi, and more.
Harvard Countway Library's Black Lives Matter: Antiracism and Health Suggested Resources and Harvard Medical School's Anti-Racism Resource List include links to e-books, videos, and articles
The Institute for Healing and Justice Resource Hub which includes resources of publications, articles, podcasts, video lectures, art, advocacy toolkits, and more.
Journal Collections focused on Race and Inequity in Medicine:
The Lancet EClinicalMedicine Racial Inequity in Health Collection discusses racial and ethnic inequality across global settings and examines disparities caused by structural racism. The first part covers socioeconomic deprivation, pregnancy outcomes, hepatocellular carcinoma, communicable diseases, and more.
New England Journal of Medicine's Race and Medicine collection attempts to educate the medical community about syystemic racism and includes articles and perspectives on racial inequalityy in opiate prescription and pulse oximetry, code switching, vaccine hesitancyy, diversity of medical student bodies, history of race and policing, and more.
Syllabi or Courses
Reading lists
A History of Anti-Black Racism in Medicine (AAIHS): A syllabus on the historical legacy of anti-Blackness in American medicine, from medical theories of race and slavery era medical practices to 20th C environmental racism and the anti-Black racism of Covid-19. A 16 week syllabus which articles and monographs, predominantly from historians of medicine and science. Syllabus compiled by Antoine S. Johnson (UCSF), Elise A. Mitchell (NYU), and Ayah Nuriddin (JHU).
Institutionalized Racism Syllabus (JSTOR): a collection of articles put together by JSTOR on racial (in)justice, police brutality, and racial, economic and educational disparities.
History of Race in Science (MIT): a collection of resources regarding the history of race in science, including sections on health, genetics, reproductive rights, eugenics, holocaust, cyberspace, environmental racism, etc.; also available is a list of syllabi related to Race and Science.
Syllabi on Race and Medicine for medical school students or residents
Anti-Racism Reading Program for Incoming Students (University of Washington); Anti-racism reading program where incoming medical students are assigned Fatal Invention: How Science, Politics, and Big Business re-Create Race in the 21st c (Dorothy Roberts); facilitators guide includes discussion questions to examine race as a social construct and the role of race in medicine and additional recommended readings.
Equal treatment Rx: achieving anti-racist institutional change in surgery through education, mentoring, research, and community activism including curriculua on race-based medicine, healthcare & the carceral system, and undocumented patients.
Medicine and Race: An annotated bibliography (Brown University): This annotated bibliography was created to serve as a resource for medical students, residents, and faculty interested in learning more about how race is used in medicine and how racism results in disparate health outcomes for racial and ethnic minorities.
Race and Health (New York Academy of Medicine/JHU): The course begins by questioning the notion of race, reviews the history of the concept of race, and covers problems in African-American health, asking: How can we account for the historical differential in health status between African Americans and whites in this country, if race has no biological reality? Within the biomedical health care system, this course also covers historical reasons for the relative scarcity of African American physicians and especially specialists.
Library of Readings and videos from UCSF from the Racism and Race: The Use of Race in Medicine Event Series: five-session series of rich, cross-disciplinary events that carved out the much-needed dedicated space to discuss the origins of the use of racial categories in medicine, the controversies surrounding its current use and practice, and future directions for clinical care, medical education, and research in the context of advancing health equity across all of the UC academic medical institutions.
Toolkits and Teaching Resources:
Anti-Racism in Medicine Collection (MedEdPortal): A collection of resources to provide educators with practice-based, peer-reviewed content to teach anti-racist knowledge and clinical skills and elevate the educational scholarship of anti-racist curricula. This MedEdPortal curated collection by the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) includes toolkits for addressing microaggression, for teaching structural competency or intersectionality, responding to patient mistreatment of trainees, discussing identity and privilege, implicit bias, and providing trauma-informed care. MedEDPortal resources include manuals, training slides, participant workbooks, surveys, facilitator guidelines, and validated resources.
Anti-Racism and Race Literacy: A Primer and Toolkit for Medical Educators (UCSF): A resource for medical educators and clinicians to engage learners in topics of health disparities, social justice, bias, and racism in the classroom and clinical environment. It provides historical and theoretical frameworks, a glossary of terms, and a structured approach to evaluate existing educational materials to identify and eliminate bias and examine structural causes of health disparities.
Racism and Health: News and Insights from AAMC: The AAMC has curated a collection of articles and resources to assist our member institutions, constituents, and the public in learning more about and exploring the complex issues and strategies to combat racism and make healthcare more diverse, equitable, and inclusive. This collection will be updated on a regular basis.
Toward the Abolition of Biological Race in Medicine (Othering & Belonging Institute): The paper bridges existing research by critical theory scholar-activists and researchers, and aims to guide clinicians and student learners in medicine, public health, and beyond on why the use of biological race must be abolished in medicine and clinical research, education, and practice.
Lectures and Conversations
Podcasts on Anti-Racism in Medicine:
Race in Medicine (Radiolab): A conversation on race in medicine, including a discussion with Dr. Jay Cohn, developer of BiDil (the first FDA-approved drug for a specific racial group), a conversation between sociologist Troy Duster and epidemiologist Richard Cooper on race, medicine, slippery slopes, and false stereotypes, and reflections by Malcolm Gladwell on the relationship between race and athletic success.
Anti-Racism in Medicine series and Racial Disparities in COVID (Clinical Problem Solvers): A series of conversations beginning with a deep dive into Race, Police Violence, and Health by health equity scholars Rhea Boyd (UCSF) and Rachel Hardeman (UMN School of Public Health).
Racial Health Disparities: How COVID-19 Magnified a Public Health Emergency (AAMC Beyond the White Coat): The COVID-19 pandemic amplified health disparities in America’s communities of color and racism is now seen as a public health emergency. David Skorton, AAMC president and CEO, and Malika Fair, MD, senior director of health equity partnerships and programs at the AAMC, discuss forces driving the disparities in health care access, how physicians can work to acknowledge and address racism against Black Americans, and what the academic medicine community can do to address institutional and systemic racism.
Addressing Anti-Black Racism in Medicine with Utibe Essien MD, MPH (The Curbsiders): Dr. Utibe Essien MD, MPH @UREssien walks through key terminology and evidence necessary to understand anti-Black racism in medicine, provides insights into ways that racism impacts our work in the clinical and academic settings, and offers approaches for addressing anti-Black racism in these settings.
Dorothy Roberts: What’s Race Got to Do with Medicine? (TED Radio Hour): Doctors often take a patient's race into account when making a diagnosis--or ruling one out. Professor Dorothy Roberts says this practice is both outdated and dangerous.
How Whiteness Works: JAMA and the Refusals of White Supremacy (Somatosphere): Clarence C. Gravlee outlines and interrogates JAMA's February 2021 podcast “Structural Racism for Doctors—What Is It?” and white doctors' broader failures to recognize and address white supremacy in medicine.
Online Lectures on Race & Racism:
Policing without the police: Race, Technology, and the New Jim Code -- Ruha Benjamin and Dorothy Roberts virtual teach-in on police, surveillance, and technology.
Gender, Race, and Power in Science (National Library of Medicine) -- Angela Saini explores how prejudice affects scientific research on race and gender, and discusses her efforts to uncover manipulation of evidence, abuse, and wrongdoing by those in power, drawing on her books “Superior: the Return of Race Science” and “Inferior; How Science Got Women Wrong.”